sábado, 20 de febrero de 2016


Algunos de los juegos más divertidos que se pueden usar para jugar con los más pequeños y que estos a su vez aprendan inglés que realizamos con Cassie, estudiante en prácticas de intercambio durante varias clases de recursos de inglés, fueron los siguientes:

Juegos varios

1) Shipwrecked

Follow the commands that the teacher gives you. If you are unable to complete an action (for whatever reason) you are eliminated.
Actions --->
-Man overboard: piggy back with one other student
-Bow - run towards assigned part of the classroom, the last person to reach that side is eliminated.
-Stern - run towards other assigned part of the classroom, the last person to reach that side is eliminated.
-Row your boat - sit on the ground in a row with three people and pretend to be rowing a boat.

2) Detective

Every student will receive one peice of paper. Most of the papers will be blank. If your paper has an X on it, you are the murderer. If you have a ~ on your paper you are an angel. If you have a + on your paper, you are a cop. The murderer winks at other people in the group to kill them. When you die put your paper in front of you to show the group that you're dead. The angel's job is to bring people back to life by blinking at them. If you are the cop you must search for the murderer and tell them when you find out who they are. The game ends when the cop catches the murderer. 

3) 7-up

5 to 7 people are selected to come to the front of the room. The rest of the students are asked to sit at their desks with their heads down and one of their thumbs up in the air. Once everyone is ready, the students at the front of the room are asked to walk around and each select one person. They select the person by touching their thumb. When selected, the student at the desk should put their thumb down. After everyone has selected one person, the people who were selected stand up. Then, one by one, the students standing try to guess who picked them by describing that person. For example: "She is wearing a pink sweatshirt, she is wearing a black scarf". If the person standing guesses correctly, the two people switch, if not, the person at the front remains at the front.

4) Alphabet People

The first person starts the beginning of the alphabet with the letter A. The idea is to fill in the following statements with words of your letter. For example: "My name is... Ana. I'm from... Asia. And I like... apples". After the first person says theirs, the second person repeats everyone in front of them and then say theirs using the next letter in the alphabet. For example: "Her name is Ana, she's from Asia, she likes apples. My name is Bob, I'm from Boston, and I like bananas". Continue until the students can no longer remember. If the
next student cannot remember ask the class if someone else would like to try.

5) It's your ball

The students should sit in a circle with their legs extended and allow the ball to pass between themselves. Every time that the teacher says ¨It's _______ (insert any name of a student in the circle) ball” the ball must go to that person selected. If the ball doesn't go to the person selected, the person who passed it to the wrong person has to stand up and leave the circle. The students continue until there are two winners.

6) Go to...

Decide which vocabulary you would like to review during the game. In this example we will use parts of the house. Assign the four corners of the classroom as parts of the house: living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom. Begin by asking a simple question: "Where is the kitchen?". The students should point to the kitchen. In your second sentence say something more complicated such as: "Go to the kitchen and cook something". If a student does the wrong action or does not complete the action they are eliminated. When you want to get more complicated you can say things like: "Hop to the bedroom and go to sleep" or "Crawl to the living room and watch TV". You can complete this
activity with whatever set of vocabulary you'd like as long as there are action words.

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